Giving back is giving forward

Let the legacy live on

If you tuned in to Seven Sharp on Friday night you would have seen a clip about the Walsh Memorial Scout Flying School.

The footage showed some of the 50th celebrations, and focused on the reason the school exists, as well as some of the amazing volunteers that help keep the place going.

If you haven't seen it, take a look here.

I attended this school in Matamata when I was 16, and this is where my love of aviation really developed.

The Walsh is a 2 week long intensive flying training camp for youth aged 16-19 and was started by the Scouting movement in 1967. To commemorate the 50th school, we held a reunion which featured many visiting aircraft displaying over a 3 hour period and in the evening we bused to Hobbiton for dinner, a tour and the real celebration.

Schools like this are run by passionate volunteers, the people are the secret to their success

.I chose to spend 18 months helping create this event; giving my expertise as an event manager so attendees would remember the 50th celebrations, remember their time as a 16 year old learning to fly on a grass strip in Matamata. Maybe they'll mention it to someone one day who would thrive by having that experience as well.

The Walsh legacy will be around for many more years, as the school has inspired youth in very unique way.

Next time you have the opportunity to help keep a legacy alive, remember: Giving back is giving forward.

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