Escape from work, but prepare before you go!

Soon, I'll be recreating this...

There's even a work pipeline planning spreadsheet template to download... Just scroll down!

That's right, I'm off on holiday in a few days, so right now I'm busy preparing my pipeline of work in the coming weeks so other members of my team are able to take care of the essentials while I'm away.

The easier I make it for them, the quicker I can deal with the mess when I get back. It's win-win, really.

I thought I'd share the process I use to help manage my workload when I'm not around to do it and the things to do before leaving the office for vacation. Enjoy.~ Bronnie

Use your calendar

You use your calendar every day to make appointments, and it makes a great work pipeline and planning app.

Start here:

  • What have you got coming up that can't wait until you get back?
  • Who can do that for you?
  • What information do they need to get it done?
  • How should you give that information?
  • Is there the need to handover when you come back?
  • Include your first day or two back in the office in the plan

How should you give that information?

As we know, people receive information in a bunch of different ways. Because the tasks you're asking your colleagues to do on your behalf is abnormal for them, I suggest you use a combination of:

  • A calendar invitation, similar to the one you have for it but with extra information included, and a reminder set.
  • Documentation with relevant complexity
  • A meeting before you go so you can explain what needs to happen
  • A meeting when you get back to see how it went

If you're a business owner, these tips are a huge help to manage your business while on vacation. 

Check out the leave planner template spreadsheet

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