Bronnie: Manages events; flies planes

I screamed with fear the whole time during my first flight in a small aeroplane

I was 5, and my Mum's eardrums still haven't recovered.

As part of International Women of Aviation Week, some of the women from the

Wellington Aero Club were in the Sunday Star-Times (6 March 2016) and we talked about how aviation is a male-dominated industry but is becoming more popular with women.

My day job has me running events, and I'm lucky enough to have a sweet hobby where I teach people how to fly aeroplanes. 

Why I got into flying

I grew up in a small village just outside of Hastings, and there was an airfield down the road so I was looking skyward often.

I was in Scouts when I heard of the Walsh Memorial Scout Flying School, a 2 week camp where you complete a good chunk of ab-initio flight training, so I applied and went along.

That was pretty much it for me, that school got me hooked. It completely changed the direction I was taking and I knew I needed aviation in my life, I just didn't know how, yet. 

But girls can't be pilots

I was surprised at those who tried to block my progress; surprised by who they were and their reasons.

My high school careers adviser told me girls can't be pilots. I chose to get my advice elsewhere.

During an informal job interview, the Chief Pilot told me he'd never hire me, no matter my qualifications because I didn't have a d*&#. In those words. I wouldn't have wanted the job, anyway.

We all face challenges, and having an International Women of Aviation Week allows us to have a platform to voice our progress, challenges and successes. It is a time for celebration!

If you want to know more about learning to fly, feel free to get in touch or check out the Wellington Aero Club - there's loads of helpful information there.

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